5 min

Using Agree and Disagree Statement for formative assessment

Agree and Disagree Statement is a formative assessment strategy that fosters critical thinking, inquiry, and collaborative learning in the classroom.

Agree and Disagree Statements hold a significant role in enhancing student learning dynamics within the classroom. They serve as a powerful tool to engage students in the practice of metacognition, encouraging them to delve into their own understanding. By presenting statements that require agreement or disagreement, students are prompted to reflect on their comprehension and consider the reasoning behind their beliefs. This introspective process contributes to a deeper level of understanding as students become more aware of their own thought processes and gaps in their knowledge.

Another key benefit of employing Agree and Disagree Statements is the promotion of student inquiry. This strategy operates as a formative assessment technique that not only gauges their understanding but also propels them towards exploratory thinking. When faced with a statement, students are challenged to envision how they could design an investigation to validate or invalidate it. This nurtures a sense of curiosity and encourages them to identify relevant sources of information to critically assess the accuracy of the statement. In essence, it transforms passive learners into active seekers of knowledge.

In the context of small group interactions, Agree and Disagree Statements play a pivotal role in stimulating scientific discussions and promoting argumentation. By presenting students with statements that require a stance, this strategy elicits lively debates as individuals defend their perspectives. This dynamic exchange not only consolidates individual understanding but also exposes students to a diverse range of viewpoints. Engaging in constructive arguments challenges students to articulate their thoughts logically, strengthening their communication skills and ability to provide evidence-based reasoning.

Furthermore, Agree and Disagree Statements contribute to the evolution of students' cognitive processes and perspectives. As students engage in defending or challenging scientific arguments related to the statements, they undergo a transformative journey. This process encourages them to adapt their viewpoints as they encounter new information that either replaces or integrates with their existing knowledge. By being exposed to alternative viewpoints and incorporating new insights, students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. In this way, the use of Agree and Disagree Statements not only solidifies individual learning but also fosters a dynamic and collaborative learning environment in the classroom.

When considering instructional approaches, incorporating Agree and Disagree Statements at the outset of a learning cycle proves to be a strategic choice. This technique effectively draws out students' initial thoughts and perceptions on a given topic. By tapping into their viewpoints, educators gain valuable insights that guide them in recognizing specific areas where students might require tailored instructional interventions. These interventions serve to challenge any preconceived notions students might hold, while concurrently nurturing their self-assurance in their own ideas.

The outcomes derived from these statements offer instructors a wealth of information that holds the potential to shape their teaching strategies. This data enables teachers to pinpoint clusters of students who share similar notions about the topic. Such identification allows for the implementation of targeted instructional approaches that cater to the needs of these specific student groups. As a result, the learning experience becomes more customised and effective, addressing the unique learning paths and requirements of these students.

Moreover, the responses generated by students regarding how they would verify the accuracy of the statements supply educators with pertinent data about their students' capabilities. This information extends to their capacity to conceptualise experiments and determine credible scientific sources for information. Armed with these insights, teachers can adapt their instructional techniques to address any gaps in students' skills. In essence, Agree and Disagree Statements serve as a dynamic tool that not only gauges students' perspectives but also guides the instructor in cultivating a comprehensive and targeted instructional approach.

How can you implement Agree and Disagreement Statements as a formative assessment strategy in your classroom?

Introducing Agree and Disagree Statements into the classroom as a formative assessment strategy involves a structured process that encourages critical thinking and inquiry among students. Here's a step-by-step implementation guide, illustrated with examples:

Step 1

Statement Analysis

Begin by presenting a set of "fact or fiction" statements related to the subject matter of the curriculum. These statements should be thought-provoking and designed to elicit students' opinions. For instance, in a science class discussing the water cycle, a statement could be: "Water only evaporates when it's heated." In this step, students are asked to individually evaluate each statement and choose whether they agree, disagree, or require more information to form an opinion.

Step 2

Explaining Reasoning

After students have made their initial choices, move on to the next phase of the process. Ask them to explain their thinking behind each decision. For instance, if a student agrees with the statement about water evaporating when heated, they might explain that they've observed water boiling and turning into steam. Encourage students to articulate their thought process clearly, promoting metacognition and deeper reflection.

Step 3

Investigative Action

Transition to the second part of the process, which involves students considering how they would investigate the statement further. Students should detail the actions they would take to test their ideas, gather information, or experiment. For instance, a student might suggest conducting a simple experiment where they place a container of water in different temperature environments to observe the rate of evaporation.

Step 4

Tailoring Statements to Curriculum

When crafting Agree and Disagree Statements, ensure they are aligned with the specific concepts and skills covered in the curriculum. For example, if the curriculum focuses on genetics, statements could revolve around inheritance and genetic traits. This alignment ensures that the assessment strategy reinforces the learning objectives.

Step 5

Individual Response and Small Group Discussion

Initiate the activity by having students individually respond to the Agree and Disagree Statements. Once they've formed their initial opinions and provided reasoning, transition to small group discussions. In these groups, students should share their perspectives, debate their viewpoints, and collaboratively come to a consensus on each statement.

Step 6

Investigation and Exploration

Following group discussions, allow time for small groups to explore the statements further through hands-on experiments, research, or other means of inquiry. For instance, they could use available resources to gather information about the water cycle and evaporation, conducting experiments to verify or challenge their initial beliefs.

Step 7

Whole-Class Discussion and Reflection

As students engage in exploratory activities, they gather insights that may differ from their initial opinions. In a whole-class setting, facilitate a discussion where students present their findings. This discussion aims to resolve any discrepancies between their initial ideas and the discoveries made during investigations.

Step 8

Teacher Guidance and Clarification

As the class shares its findings, the teacher plays a pivotal role in building upon students' ideas, providing guidance, and offering clarification. This input helps students accommodate new scientific understandings that have emerged through their investigations. It also allows the teacher to address any misconceptions and reinforce accurate concepts.